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Meditations 2002
Meditations 2002
Meditations 2002
Meditations 2002
Meditations 2002
Meditations 2002
Meditations 2002

Cité International des Art Group exhibition, Paris, France

Pages from Rene Descartes' Meditations, ink, handwriting

Meditations 2002

Rene Descartes is a French philosopher and mathematician best known for making the statement I think therefore I am.  This work was a performative exercise in which I wrote over 200 pages of his Meditations, originally published in 1641. Over the first Meditation, I wrote 'un', over the second 'un deux', over the third 'un deux trois', and so on. There are 6 meditations in all in which Descartes attempts to assess the certainty of what can be known in the world. The process of making the work was a meditative act in itself.


The pages were displayed in a grid-like pattern in a group exhibition at the Cite Internationale des Arts Gallery while I was resident there. 

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